At a new $HOME

Finally everything (hopefully) has been moved — if you read this post, the DNS you use has been updated to the new IP.

Sorry it has taken a while, this type of configuration is fairly new to me and a little bit more complex than the previous one — including the upgrade of all the software I was using, and an operating system swap.
I hope this setup will be stable for a while: it carries some of the advantages you will always hope you’ll not be using but that will be extremely useful those few times (remote reboots anyone?).

Last but not least, I’d like to thank both the people who have been hosting my old machine (you know who you are) and those hosting the “new” one.

All these people have always been extremely kind and helpful even when they had no other particular reason than friendship.
I have a long list of beers that I owe them and I’m determined to pay down my debt :)

Jon Postel, a dieci anni dalla morte

6 Agosto 1943 – 16 Ottobre 1998

Jon was a founding member of the Internet Architecture Board and
served continuously from its founding to the present. He was the
FIRST individual member of the Internet Society I know, because he
and Steve Wolff raced to see who could fill out the application forms
and make payment first and Jon won. He served as a trustee of the
Internet Society. He was the custodian of the .US domain, a founder
of the Los Nettos Internet service, and, by the way, managed the
networking research division of USC Information Sciences Institute.

Jon loved the outdoors. I know he used to enjoy backpacking in the
high Sierras around Yosemite. Bearded and sandaled, Jon was our
resident hippie-patriarch at UCLA. He was a private person but fully
capable of engaging photon torpedoes and going to battle stations in
a good engineering argument. And he could be stubborn beyond all
expectation. He could have outwaited the Sphinx in a staring
contest, I think.



Io ancora non so se andro`, ma:




19-21 settembre 2008
Parco della Scultura in Architettura
via Vittorio Veneto
San Dona’ di Piave (VENEZIA)

[COSA] ESC e’ un incontro di persone interessate al Software Libero e
alla Conoscenza Libera, a Entrata Libera :) Il contenuto dell’evento e’
in continua evoluzione e viene creato dai suoi partecipanti.

[COME] Secondo la formula MUD (Miscere Utile Dulci). Sono previsti
Seminari e Talk su vari argomenti/livelli, e momenti decisamente piu’
“ludici”: Campeggio, Grigliata, LAN Party, etc.

[DOVE] ESC si svolge a San Dona’ di Piave, in provincia di Venezia,
presso ART2 Lounge, struttura adiacente al Parco della Scultura in
Architettura: Planet Earth, 45°38’11”N – 12°32’48”E :)

[PERCHE’] Per creare un momento di aggregazione, uno scambio di
conoscenze ed esperienze tra persone che vivono il Software Libero nelle
sue diverse forme, e festeggiare insieme il Software Freedom Day.

“Everything’s Happening under the KEY…” ;)

Bergonzoni: andateci!

Da ieri sera (quando l’ho visto io) fino al 20 Aprile, al teatro Ciak (Fabbrica del Vapore, in zona Monumentale).
Scoppiettante, affabulatore, ironico e pungente, inarrestabile e come sempre solo sul palco, ieri sera Bergonzoni ha offerto uno spettacolo davvero bello e godibile.
Mi e` parso un filo piu` riflessivo e pacato di quando lo andai a sentire a Bologna con “Le balene restino sedute”, ma era tanto tanto tempo fa…
Dopo quasi 18 anni, lo stile e` cambiato, il godimento di ascoltarlo no. :)
Non e` uno spettacolo facile, ci dovrete andare con il cervello acceso, ma ne vale tutta la piccola fatica.

Ah, lo spettacolo si intitola, in perfetto stile Bergonzoniano, “NEL”.

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