6 Agosto 1943 – 16 Ottobre 1998
Jon was a founding member of the Internet Architecture Board and
served continuously from its founding to the present. He was the
FIRST individual member of the Internet Society I know, because he
and Steve Wolff raced to see who could fill out the application forms
and make payment first and Jon won. He served as a trustee of the
Internet Society. He was the custodian of the .US domain, a founder
of the Los Nettos Internet service, and, by the way, managed the
networking research division of USC Information Sciences Institute.Jon loved the outdoors. I know he used to enjoy backpacking in the
high Sierras around Yosemite. Bearded and sandaled, Jon was our
resident hippie-patriarch at UCLA. He was a private person but fully
capable of engaging photon torpedoes and going to battle stations in
a good engineering argument. And he could be stubborn beyond all
expectation. He could have outwaited the Sphinx in a staring
contest, I think.