No news is good news :)

Ok, it’s been five years from the last post.
Five. Years.
It’s not I gave up having fun building/breaking stuff, but there’s not much of what I’ve been doing lately that may interest my geek friends. :\
Changed city, changed employer (still red though), always in the quest to do something fun and interesting.

Anyway, in my current intentions this site/blog is not going away anytime soon: even if we live in the most social-rich-media society, I feel that it still makes sense having something that just works — with no ties to centralized points of failure (aws, facebook, cloudflare, …) — and where nobody can censor me.

Maybe it will take five more years to make something appear here, but this little corner will stay.

Happy hacking!

This site is going down

Tomorrow the hardware that keeps this site up will be shut down and relocated to another place.
I’d like to thank Massimo for all the service he’s been giving me in the last years: if you need a skilled man in almost any Internet technology or OS that came out in the last 10 years, Max is what you want.

During the move, and shortly after, expect all the usual havoc: site not responding, weird errors, mails bouncing, and Schroedinger cats all around.

My sysadmin heart is aching anyway:
4:45PM up 479 days, 21:28, 1 user, load averages: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00

ad maiora/see you l8r

*UPDATE*The move is postponed to Monday/Tuesday. Guess why?

Uhm… meno tasse piu` tasse

Repubblica dice “aumenti fino al 30%”.

Quindi riduzione delle tasse (io non ho visto molto sgravio nella mia busta di gennaio, ma chissa`), ma aumento di due milioni di balzelli tra cui passaporto, bollo auto, revisione, e — da quello che ho capito — tasse sui brevetti.
Non so se per risparmiare sulla ADSL o sul box digitale terrestre mi sento di mettere ulteriori pastoie al progresso economico-tecnologico del paese. Ma tanto siamo cosi` indietro che se qualcuno vuol fare qualcosa di serio si sposta all’estero. E l’Italia se la guarda via satellite.