Cosa non fare tornando a casa

Dopo una abbondante cena al kapuziner, non tornate a casa verso mezzanotte dicendovi “massi`, do solo un’occhiata alla posta”: potreste trovarvi intrippati a studiare graphviz chiedendovi quale inutile ma rapido uso potreste farne per creare un grafico di prova.
Il risultato potrebbe essere questo:

# generate running processes graph
# visualize with something like
# twopi -Tjpg -o bb.jpg
cat < < EOF digraph "process-table" { overlap=scale splines=true sep=.1 node [style=filled] EOF IFS='' for line in `ps -eo pid,ppid,args` do echo $line | awk '{print $1,"[label=""$3,$4,$5,""]"}' echo $line | awk '{print $2,"->“,$1}’
echo “}”

che genera un grafo di tutti i processi in esecuzione. Occhio a come producete l’output, con un
paio delle prove che ho fatto gqview usava ~ 1 giga di ram.
Mi riservo di verificare la correttezza semantica del risultato in un altro momento. :)
Per i curiosi, uno zoom sul grafico e` cosi`:

ps graph

Cosa faccio nella vita

Direbbe la Wertmuller:
”Sprazzi di lucidita` davanti al caffe` in una domenica d’inverno senza macchina”

koolinus Il vero informatico 2005 non ha ancora capito cosa fa nella vita ed รจ estremamente incoerente. –> questo sono io

zen io so cosa faccio nella vita
zen corro dietro alle cose piu` interessanti come se fossero belle ragazze
zen e mi dimentico di quest’ultime :D


4AM rant

Shit happens.
This is perfectly normal, and depending on the size of the company your’re working for, it is the same everywhere — just the size of the fan and the maximum amount of the shitload change size.

If your job is for 15-people-ISP, it is safe to assume that while a broken network cable can be replaced as fast as everywhere, a fault in a critical under-10k euros network appliance can bring you on your knees (you have no money for real redundancy).
Working for big-big-cellular-phone-telco-$$$, you would also assume that the same fault can be managed easily, and/or that there is hardware redundancy everywhere, and that the real show-stoppers are much more rare. Well, you’re right — and this result comes obviously with a cost: more hardware, more planning, more tests, more procedures.

What escapes me is why BBCPT$$$ cannot manage people the same way it does with the services infrastructure. Having smart people working for you is cool. Smart people keep your business running, like reliable hardware does. But while a bunch of geeks can pull the rabbit out of the hat most of the time, dumbasses can’t find the hat.

What’s the value of a 100k euros DNS infrastructure when the people using it can’t /flushdns their cache or check which name servers they’re pointing to? (and by consequence wake me up at 4AM in the middle of a service migration?)

Don’t put monkey behind your keyboards. Or PEBKAC could be your next buzzword.

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