Soon I’ll be wandering California for some week, and I thought it would have been nice to be able to write down some notes to post later.
I could have used the faithful SubEthaEdit or TextWrangler (both excellent products) but I decided to look for something more… easy (yes, I’m getting lazier than ever, if possible), which could preserve timestamps, categories, etc. and push all the content online in the (short?) moments I’ll be connected to the Internet.
I’ve been testing Ecto (which is a great client, btw), but I don’t feel like I’m going to pay for it ($17.95), so I went searching for something free and good enough for what I needed — some text editing, choosing timestamp and post categories, good xml-rpc communication with WordPress.
Well, I did find Qumana: it has all of the above, plus real time spelling, wysiwyg/source editing, a smart way to create hrefs (it prefills the link content with the clipboard content), can ping and understands trackbacks.
Easy as a pie, even if I’m on 3.0beta3 for Mac.
The only drawback (if this post ever reaches the Internet, I mean) is that it’s written using Java, which makes it a bit sluggish. Go test it, it’s for Windows too.
I use HtmlArea instead ( . It’s a java tool that You can include in every “” of Your site. With an WYSIWYG web interface You can post everything You want sending an “html preformatted” post ready to use.
Due to the simplicity of this script You can include it on every blog/software/phpnuke/whatyouwantsite in 2 seconds without “sbattimenti”.