Sterling e il design

Bruce Sterling parla del suo anno come Visionary in Residence all’ Art Center College of Design a Pasadena.

Selected quotes:

First: if people call you a visionary, you become one immediately. It’s like becoming a pope. The transition is swift and relatively painless. It’s an unlikely job, but it has to happen to somebody.


My duties were light: they consisted mostly of high-velocity preaching. Preaching is a vice. It’s worse for writers than drink. I dote on it anyway. Just now I’m in top design-preaching form. You could tap me like a beer barrel, and I’ll emit a fizzing, foaming sermon on digital interactivity and sustainable-design practice. I can go on for days.

Solo gli americani potevano inventare un titolo come “Visionary in Residence”. E` un po’ come Java Evangelist.

grazie a frank per la segnalazione. :)

Author: zen

Geek of all trades, having fun with *NIX, the Internet and computer security since 1995.

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